
    Terrifier (2016)

    After a night out on Halloween, two young women encounter Art the Clown, who will make their lives a living hell.

    Bad, but a necessary watch for all horror fans.

    Art the Clown: Part 2

    For all the details as to how Art the Clown started and how he made it to 2016, please read All Hallow’s Eve (2013): Now… Terrifier is almost as bad, but the kind of bad that makes it a must-see, especially if you are with like-minded horror fans and want to have a night in with unhealthy food and drinks and good company. And if it’s Halloween, even better!

    Terrifier‘s script is weak, and the story and character development are non-existent. The acting is bad, and mistakes are all over the place. Why should you watch it then? Because it’s gruesome. It is brutal and gory, and it’s borderline disgusting. Other than paranormal, Art the Clown is the most psychopathic cinematic clown ever. His motives are unclear, and so is his purpose on this Earth. What’s more, writer/director Damien Leone created a universe with him in it and despite the dumbness that rules that world, he is the epicentre of it, his victims revolve around him, and his fans make its existence possible.

    Join the cult, embrace its faults, and enjoy the bloody, guts-out, mindless entertainment. There’s more coming up…

    Happy Halloween!

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    Solidarity for all the innocent lives who suffer the atrocities of war!

    Stay safe!


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