
    Daddy’s Head (2024)

    A boy loses his father in a tragic accident, and he and his stepmother find themselves against a horrifying creature.

    Great premise and atmosphere, but with an unsatisfying ending. Daddy’s Head is brilliantly made. Directing, photography, soundtrack, editing, acting… they all work like a Swiss watch. However, what was left outside the equation is yet another main ingredient: the script. Two-thirds of it works great! The setup and the confrontation (Act I and II) lay the foundation for an immense indie folk horror that, from time to time, cuts your breath. And when it doesn’t, it delves into the drama. Writer/director Benjamin Barfoot guides really well the main actors, Julia Brown, Rupert Turnbull and Nathaniel Martello-White, who do a great job as struggling people who try to understand what is happening while coping with loss and despair. So, everything works. Until that third part, the resolution (Act III).

    The ending is arguably the most challenging part of the film. The way to climax what you have built for almost a couple of hours is integral. It is what the audience expects to see and think to themselves that what they have witnessed, endured, or experienced until the end makes sense, creating the WOW effect! Especially in horror. Open endings can cause that, too. One of the latest profound examples is Red Rooms (2023): Open endings can make you think of that ending long after the credits roll down.

    Unfortunately, Daddy’s Head‘s ending is unfulfilling, making one wonder about some of the elements of the previous acts. What was that white light against her eyes in the beginning? What about that fire that no one found? Have you watched The Hole in the Ground (2019): The folklore concept of the Changelings rings a bell here, too, but what that creature actually is, it’s ultimately up to you to decide. The Hole in the Ground‘s ending also shares the same fate, by the way.

    Barfoot, the numerous producers behind it and Shudder made horror for us to enjoy. While I find the ending unfulfilling, I do recommend it as it will keep you on the edge of your seat for the most part.

    Thanks for reading!

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