

    Awake (2021)

    When the power goes down globally inexplicably, and no one can sleep, a mother is tasked with leading her daughter, the only person who...

    Titane (2021)

    In a time where a series of unresolved crimes is on the rise, a go-go dancer with a metal plate fitted into her head...

    Old (2021)

    A luxurious resort sends a cohort of families to a secluded beach where, inexplicably, they rapidly get older. Mixed feelings over a simple premise. Starting...

    Dune (2021)

    The House of Atreides moves to planet Arrakis to protect the most precious resource of existence, but yet another interstellar feud among the Houses...

    Lamb (2021)

    On a remote farm in Iceland, a childless couple treats an abnormal newborn sheep as their baby. Rightfully, the highest-grossing Icelandic film to date, and...

    Kate (2021)

    A female assassin races against time to find out and kill the person who poisoned her and whoever else stands in her way. Great fun...

    Halloween Kills (2021)

    Michael Myers escapes from the trap he was led into and kills whoever stands in his way in the town of Haddonfield. David Gordon Green...

    The Night House (2020)

    After her husband dies, a woman starts dreaming of people and places that reveal secrets that should have been left buried with him. I'll start...

    Malignant (2021)

    A woman starts having horrible nightmares that turn out to be visions of actual violent crimes in which she is unwillingly involved. Amazing opening shot...

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