
    Black Doves (2024)

    A spy and the assassin who protects her embark on a lethal journey of secrets and deceits involving governments, gangsters, and shadowy organisations.

    Entertaining, yet very formulaic. Let’s start with the positives… The acting is decent, and the story is solid. This is where the positives kind of stop. The production itself is your average, standard Netflix production. No shots stand out, and the editing faces quite a few issues. Then, the only person you might empathise with is Sam (Ben Whishaw). Helen Webb (Keira Knightley) is not as relatable as you would like her to be in episode 1. Furthermore, the script, as opposed to the story, is not as solid. The spy and assassination level is sometimes fairly childish compared to series and films we have all watched. Many solutions found in intricate problems become gimmicks for the narrative to advance (i.e. empty shell found on the balcony, extraction of a suspect from the American embassy, making a phone call and being there in five minutes – in  London!)

    But… there is another positive I’d like to throw in, deliberately leaving it for the end. It’s a spy Christmas series with Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw, and Sarah Lancashire. So, why not? It’s a mini-series with Christmas-y twists and turns you can easily digest without overthinking most of what I mentioned in the previous paragraph. It will help you escape the harsh reality that kicks in before and after you shut the telly. Make the most of it!

    Thanks for reading!

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    Solidarity for all the innocent lives who suffer the atrocities of war!

    Stay safe!


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