
    6 Underground (2019)

    Six highly, uncommonly skilled men and women – each in their own way – have formed an anonymous team to make the world a better place.

    Michael Bay does what Michael Bay does best. What do you expect from 6 Underground? Slo-mo? You got it. Slow-mo with car chases? But with also faster than you can blink cuts? You got it. Shots with choppers? You got it. From within choppers? Over the choppers? Against the sundown? With whirring blades (slo-mo, of course)? Shots with men and women throwing punchlines at the brink of death, swapping to superficial drama, killers looking like they came out of underwear or fragrance ad? You. Got. It. All!

    At a budget of $150 million, Netflix urges Bay to destroy everything – preferably with explosions. Everything nice you see in the film will get destroyed. Simple as. Story-wise, the high levels of implausibility, improbability, and impossibility run through the film’s veins from the opening to the closing credits, making the Fast & Furious (2001- ) franchise look like a based-on-a-true story. Meaning: The operations and the decisions taken throughout the operations are purely laughable, the chances of survival having suffered certain wounds are zero (much less keep running and jumping around, shooting, and kicking ass), the access to whatever they need, whenever they need it, the warp speed of getting from one country to the next… I can go on forever here! But… I have a favourite one: The brother’s speech caused the fastest revolution ever to start in a film!!! The revolution started before even the speech ended. And, cinematically, guess how? Accompanied by pop, hybrid music, or whatever the hell it’s called nowadays, with lyrics calling to arms. I think I’m gonna stop here; you got the gist.

    Here’s my two cents. Don’t take 6 Underground seriously for a minute. Know what you sign up for, sit down, relax, surround yourself with great company and horrible food, and enjoy the Bay-style of filmmaking that makes all your problems disappear for two hours. This way, you’ll get to enjoy:

    • High octane, multiangular action sequences,
    • The destruction of everything looking fancy,
    • Entertainingly gruesome deaths,
    • Buildings and surroundings that are meant to be in one country but are shot in another,
    • Ryan Reynolds blatantly advertising his Gin,
    • Ryan Reynolds as an endless punchline machine,
    • Funnily foul language,
    • The “magnet sequence”,
    • “Rebellious” heroes and heroines who just came out of a Christian Dior and Calvin Klein photoshoot,
    • Transformers sound effects,
    • And an awesome soundtrack!

    Please, don’t forget to share, and subscribe. If you enjoy my work and dedication to films, please feel free to support me on Any contribution is much appreciated and valued.

    Solidarity for all the innocent lives who suffer the atrocities of war!

    Stay safe!


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