
    The Gorge (2025)

    Two snipers are tasked with spending a year on opposite sides of a gorge, making sure monstrous beings that dwell in it don’t escape.

    Romantic, superficial and only a fragment of what it could have been. There is not much to say, really. And that speaks volumes about the film. Director Scott Derrickson, the man behind top-shelf horrors such as The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005), Sinister (2012), Deliver Us From Evil (2014), and Black Phone (2021), accepted from Apple TV, a watered-down version of Silent Hill (2006) meets The Mist (2007) that is meant to appeal to Valentine’s Day couples. Why? I guess the money?

    Here’s what you sign up for: a great story with a nonsensical and full of plot holes script. In Zach Dean’s script, you are watching snipers who have mastered sectors that have nothing to do with their speciality – for example, repairing automatic weapons, engineering mines, and operating a film projector of a past era that happened to have one reel in front of it that explains what happened to the place, etc.

    I’d rather if I didn’t slag it off more. It just doesn’t make sense when it could have been the new Silent Hill. Shame. At least, it does one thing quite right: it doesn’t try to trick you or undermine your intelligence. The story is pretty straightforward and easily digestible, with entertaining action that will make you forget your problems for a couple of hours. Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy make a good onscreen couple, and Sigourney Weaver is amazing in whatever she does. Have low expectations, and you’ll enjoy it.

    Thanks for reading!

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    Solidarity for all the innocent lives who suffer the atrocities of war!

    Stay safe!


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