Equally important to the story told is the way the story is told.

Welcome to my World of Cinema! A plethora of film reviews, analyses, fun facts and wisdom, from the most recent releases to the oldest classics.

With videos and articles that thoroughly examine Film and its echoing aftershocks to the world we live in.

KayGazPro is where uniquely diverse independent and studio films are showcased.

American Pastoral (2016)

An idolised couple's perfect life falls apart when their daughter is accused of a terrorist act. Great story but holds its punches. Directorial debut for...

Tim Bevan

“Scripts are what matter. If you get the foundations right and then you get the right ingredients on top, you stand a shot… but...

Braveheart (1995)

Mel Gibson thought he was too old for the role of William Wallace and initially refused it. However, Paramount told him that without him,...

The Oscars Art or Politics

The Oscars: A celebration of cinematic art - or a stage for politics and status? From its origins to its controversies, let’s explore what...

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Humane (2024)

The Gorge (2025)


American Pastoral (2016)

An idolised couple's perfect life falls apart when their daughter is accused of a terrorist act. Great story but holds its punches. Directorial debut for...

Humane (2024)

A family gathers to discuss personal affairs while the environment collapses and the governments impose inhumane measures. It cuts right to the chase but holds...

V/H/S/ Beyond (2024)

From aliens to robots to human experiments, V/H/S/ Beyond continues the franchise's legacy with surrealism and obscenity. Bloody, gory, funny and entertaining. Twelve years after...

Caddo Lake (2024)

An 8-year-old girl's disappearance starts linking to past deaths and missing people, revealing things no one could imagine. Mind-bending, jaw-dropping, and hair-raising. Caddo Lake will...

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Sci Fi

The Gorge (2025)

Two snipers are tasked with spending a year on opposite sides of a gorge, making sure monstrous beings that dwell in it don't escape. Romantic,...

V/H/S/ Beyond (2024)

From aliens to robots to human experiments, V/H/S/ Beyond continues the franchise's legacy with surrealism and obscenity. Bloody, gory, funny and entertaining. Twelve years after...

Companion (2025)

What was meant to be a relaxing weekend at a billionaire's lakeside house turns into a nightmare for a group of friends full of...

The Platform 2 (2024)

Hundreds of inmates in a mysterious platform with hundreds of layers try to survive, attempting to distribute food equally. The French Revolution meets "The Animal...


American Pastoral (2016)

Tim Bevan

Braveheart (1995)


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