
    Turks & Caicos (2014)

    Having fled the UK, Johnny Worricker lives now in the Caribbean, but his resting days end when he meets a CIA agent and shadowy businessmen.

    Great sequel that delivers its promises. Page Eight (2011): instigated a spy/drama trilogy with a great cast that only got better. Page Eight highlighted the US concentration camps, emphasising information that marries fact and fiction and engaging the audience with the way that information is presented.

    Turks & Caicos sheds a lot more light. In a fictional way, it “explains” how these concentration camps were built. While it is a film, and all characters and particular information are fictional… it actually makes a lot of sense. You will find yourselves wondering if things could be that way. Is it where the US taxes went? Is it that kind of people that get people’s money? How much is it that we don’t know and we should?

    Turks & Caicos offers a lot of food for thought. Writer/director David Hare creates an equally thought-provoking sequel that astonishes with its simplicity. Its wonderful cast: Billy Nighy, Christopher Walken, Helena Bonham Carter, Winona Ryder, Rupert Graves, Ewen Bremmer, Dylan Baker, James Naughton, Zach Grenier, and Ralph Fiennes do an excellent job and transfer you to a world that will make you think long and hard about politics, entrepreneurship, the murky or even muddy relationship between the two.

    P.S. It is brilliant to read that all the actors did nothing but praise one another for their collaboration.

    Thanks for reading!

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    Solidarity for all the innocent lives who suffer the atrocities of war!

    Stay safe!


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