
    Serendipity (2001)

    A man and a woman who met accidentally one night in NYC look for one another years later as they think fate will bring them back together.

    Great holiday comedy/romance with flaws you couldn’t care less. John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale make an excellent on-screen couple that transcends the romance, the comedy, and the drama couples face in real life in a way that is particularly wrapped for holiday seasons. Jeremy Piven, Bridget Moynahan, Eugene Levy, and Molly Shannon are brilliant additions to the cast.

    Now, the high levels of implausibility packed with pseudophilosophical ideas usually have a negative connotation, but Marc Klein’s script and Peter Chelsom’s directing make it a fun, suspenseful, and exciting journey for the audience by creating a constant suspension of disbelief. You will want them to meet throughout every sequence, but this will not happen. They will not meet when you want them to meet; they will meet when “fate” decides they must meet.

    And this is Serendipity‘s subliminal message. We all need to have faith in life that some “force” will help us when we try hard to achieve a goal. You see, we need to “meet the gods halfway”, as success itself will not just knock on our doors and show up. Maybe there is no force anyway, so we must try hard, regardless. But, some faith that someone is looking from up there helping us out in this world could as well be a synonym for hope. While that applies to everything, in this case, it is love. There is someone out there for all of us, and we would like someone to keep an eye on us to ensure we will find this person if we try hard enough.

    Whether someone can help us out or not, we need to keep moving forward in the hope that we will achieve what we think we are destined to do or find the person who is our other half. Keep it up!

    P.S. Putting my sentimentalism aside, this film was produced by Miramax when the Weinsteins were in charge. And that’s how romance dies.

    Thanks for reading!

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