
    Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018)

    There are priceless moments in one’s life where a plate of ravioli, a glass of Sangiovese, and neorealist cinematic masterpieces by Vittorio De Sica and Luchino Visconti mean the world.

    This isn’t one of those moments. After watching Mission: Impossible – Fallout, I read some mixed reviews, which got me thinking… What the actual f@!# is wrong with some people?! Well, it’s a long list, and it’s beside the point. Is it a classic film? No. Will one encounter Shakespearean acting? Nope. In a production wrapped in 161 shooting days, let me shed some light on what you’ll encounter:

    • Phenomenal action by water, land, and air with every possible vehicle available.
    • Dynamic hand-to-hand combats.
    • Tom Cruise does all of his stunts himself, and all the actors deliver stupendous performances.
    • Rebecca Ferguson is as jaw-dropping as always.
    • Twists and turns with everyone switching sides.
    • Amazingly unnoticeable VFX.

    Trust that writer/director Christopher McQuarrie and Tom Cruise have collaborated on nine films together. They are a duo that works and gets results. Tom Cruise characterized it as an epic personal tale with enormous emotional stakes for the characters.

    So, it’s one of those moments…

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    Solidarity for all the innocent lives who suffer the atrocities of war!

    Stay safe!


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