There is a storm coming...
Hurricane Denzel Washington - Pun intended . Based on the television series created by Michael Sloan and Richard Lindheim, and...
Action-packed, thrilling brutality made in Indonesia! This is the first Indonesian Netflix film that, unfortunately, a country with over 700 languages and 300 ethnic...
Bloodbath! Nine films after the original Halloween (1978), producers, actors, writers, and directors managed to get it right. Ignoring all previous sequels and reboots...
There are priceless moments in one's life where a plate of ravioli, a glass of Sangiovese, and neorealist cinematic masterpieces by Vittorio De Sica...
Real-life couple writer/editor/director Mike Flanagan and writer/actress Kate Siegel beautifully collaborate for a second time in making Hush. An indie, low-budget, home invasion, one-location...
The epitome of an indie, low-budget, single-location film! The absolute mind-f@!# that, through largely impromptu dialogue and genuine reactions, makes you question who you...