An unconventional prison with unknown underground levels called The Hole, starting from top to bottom, provides food for inmates through a platform that is...
Following his girlfriend's disappearance, a man starts questioning his sanity when what appears to be a beast starts lurking outside his house in the...
When a team of excavators accidentally releases an ancient species into the world, a family does whatever it takes to survive the apocalypse.
It seems...
A meteorite of peculiar colour, carrying a hostile living organism, strikes a secluded family farm and turns their lives into a sadistic nightmare.
What an...
A highly trained hitman decides to retire, but the organisation he works for sends... a younger version of him to execute him.
Watching the trailer,...
After going missing for seven years, the spaceship Event Horizon reappears, having returned from a darkness beyond human understanding.
One of the best psychological sci-fi...