

    I Saw the TV Glow (2024)

    Two polar opposite and complicated teenagers bond over a mysterious TV show that gets cancelled, which complicates their relationship even more. Slow, trippy, and ostensibly...

    Anna and the Apocalypse (2017)

    A zombie apocalypse will unite a group of young men and women against the collapsing civilisation when they realise that they only have one...

    It’s A Wonderful Knife (2023)

    A young woman who wishes she was never born gets transferred to a reality that she hasn't, only to see her town suffering at...

    When Evil Lurks (2023)

    Two brothers deal with evil themselves to prevent it from spreading, only to create ultimate chaos. One-way ticket to hopelessness! If I've said it once,...

    Birth / Rebirth (2023)

    A morgue technician, obsessed with defeating death, reanimates a woman's dead daughter, and when she finds out, both of them cross every ethical as...

    The Boogeyman (2023)

    A creature lurking in the shadows will terrorise a family already torn apart. Successful, scary moments, but formulaic as a whole. The Boogeyman cuts right...

    Hellbender (2021)

    A mother does the best she can to protect her daughter from the world, as it will never be ready for their witchcraft. Halloween-ish, dark,...

    Older Gods (2023)

    A man becomes obsessed with the death of his friend and the eerie cult that caused it. Decent tribute to the man who started it...

    A Dark Song (2016)

    A woman who wants to find closure goes down a very dark path with unpredictable consequences. You have never seen more elaborate and thorough preparation...

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