

    Mail Order Monster (2018)

    A little girl is trying to cope after having lost her mom while dealing with life itself, bullies, and her father with his new...

    Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)

    Drew Goddard, ladies and gentlemen! Drew Goddard... From Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1996), to Alias (2001), to Lost (2004), to Daredevil (2015), Drew has...

    Bonded by Blood (2010)

    The third film on the Essex Boys murders after the Essex Boys (2000) and the Rise of the Footsoldier (2007). And it is absolutely...

    Scum (1979)

    Welcome to THE most famous unnamed British Borstal of the '70s, known today as "Young Offender's Institution". Based on the - banned from BBC -...

    Searching (2018)

    A parent's greatest fear! Having seen his wife lose the battle with cancer, a man does everything in his power to find his missing daughter. From...

    What Happened to Monday (2017)

    Seven identical sisters are being hunted down in an overpopulated world where all families are limited to one child. Noomi Rapace brilliantly portrays all seven...

    First Reformed (2017)

    Tormented by his own past, a minister of a local congregation on the outskirts of New York counsels a young couple with deeply unsettling...

    Headshot (2016)

    Indonesian film school teaches action! Weaker than The Raid (2011) and The Raid 2 (2014), yet Headshot manages to impress with its realistic action. Still...

    Incident in a Ghostland (2018)

    A house invasion causes a mother and her two young girls an unspeakable physical and psychological horror. Have you ever heard of it? I am...

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