

    Jojo Rabbit (2019)

    A young boy who struggles in Hitler's Youth finds out that his mother, a well-respected Nazi party member, is hiding a Jewish girl in...

    21 Bridges (2019)

    A drug robbery goes horribly bad; police officers get killed, and a hard-as-nails cop shuts down Manhattan to get them. It feels like anything positive...

    The Other Me (2016)

    A criminology professor is invited to provide his insight into a series of meticulously planned murders that blur the lines between legality and morality. Not...

    Doctor Sleep (2019)

      Dan Torrance, years after the horrific events of The Shining, a dishevelled adult now, must overcome his fears and protect a young girl with...

    Gemini Man (2019)

    A highly trained hitman decides to retire, but the organisation he works for sends... a younger version of him to execute him. Watching the trailer,...

    Luce (2019)

      Luce, a black kid adopted from war-torn Eritrea by a white couple, becomes an excellent school student and a political statement, but a series...

    Adopt a Highway (2019)

      A man is released from prison after many years, and while trying to figure out how the modern world works, he stumbles upon a...

    Marriage Story (2019)

      A married couple with a little kid decides to break up, and both parties reveal their best and worst hidden sides of themselves. Even though...

    Wounds (2019)

      A world of obscurity and darkness gradually surrounds a bartender after finding a phone left at his bar. At first, everyone's merry. People 'necking' life...

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