The transition from the silent to the sound era slowly ended the frenetic and debaucherous Hollywood lifestyle, affecting everyone in the industry in ways...
Upon invitation, a group of elitists travels to an isolated island where the chef has prepared a menu beyond anyone's imagination.
Spicy, sweet & sour,...
A man's obsession to find out why his best friend suddenly stopped talking to him spirals gradually out of control.
Funny, sad, nostalgic, and kinda...
A family that constantly disagrees on every aspect of life has to escape a major catastrophe, something that will deepen their existential views even...
Two diametrically opposite upper-class teenagers try to devise an intricate and sketchy plan.
Two amazing actresses in a quirky and unpredictable thriller. The slow-burn and...
A clinically depressed teenager checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward, and... a kind of funny story unfolds.
Based on Ned Vizzini's homonymous novel and...
The joys and tribulations of a couple that sees love, relationship, and life in antithetical ways.
Funny, sad, awkward, introverted, and very non-chronological. Well, as...
A couple's six-year relationship is experienced through parallel universes.
Justin Long and Emmy Rossum! And if that alone doesn't sound appealing enough (which it should,...