Indonesian film school teaches action! Weaker than The Raid (2011) and The Raid 2 (2014), yet Headshot manages to impress with its realistic action. Still...
There is a storm coming...
Hurricane Denzel Washington - Pun intended . Based on the television series created by Michael Sloan and Richard Lindheim, and...
If you are wondering "why would I watch another survival movie", here's simply my take:
The directing / DOP is stupendous. The landscape is phenomenal,...
Action-packed, thrilling brutality made in Indonesia! This is the first Indonesian Netflix film that, unfortunately, a country with over 700 languages and 300 ethnic...
If you wipe Hollywood completely out of Mad Max, you get David Michôd's post-apocalyptic Rover. This desolated Australia manages to crawl under every antihero's...
Check this one, yeah? A producer walks into his office, sits down, and reads this script...
An experienced diver/rescuer saves literally at the last minute...
There are priceless moments in one's life where a plate of ravioli, a glass of Sangiovese, and neorealist cinematic masterpieces by Vittorio De Sica...
Taiwan's jewel! A critically acclaimed and commercial success that exceeded expectations. Starting as "coming of age" and ending up gangster, Monga takes you back...