

    V/H/S/ Beyond (2024)

    From aliens to robots to human experiments, V/H/S/ Beyond continues the franchise's legacy with surrealism and obscenity. Bloody, gory, funny and entertaining. Twelve years after...

    Gladiator II (2024)

    After losing everything and everyone he loves, a gladiator fights for his life and, gradually, for a Rome that belongs to its people. Epic, yet...

    Caddo Lake (2024)

    An 8-year-old girl's disappearance starts linking to past deaths and missing people, revealing things no one could imagine. Mind-bending, jaw-dropping, and hair-raising. Caddo Lake will...

    Companion (2025)

    What was meant to be a relaxing weekend at a billionaire's lakeside house turns into a nightmare for a group of friends full of...

    Rogue Agent (2022)

    A conman who pretends to be an IM5 agent and ruins women's lives encounters one who makes it her life's purpose to bring him...

    Milk & Serial (2024)

    A surprise birthday prank ends up going terribly wrong. An hour and $800 worth of your time. Writer/director/actor Curry Barker manages to create a non-linear...

    She Said (2022)

    Two New York Times journalists investigate the allegations against Harvey Weinstein. Beautiful and hair-raising at the same time. Films like She Said sometimes confuse you as...

    Daddy’s Head (2024)

    A boy loses his father in a tragic accident, and he and his stepmother find themselves against a horrifying creature. Great premise and atmosphere, but...

    His Three Daughters (2023)

    While their father is dying, three estranged sisters try to mend fences with one another. An impactful drama that holds its punches. Writer/director Azazel Jacobs...

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    Bicycle Thieves (1948)

    Alfred Hitchcock

    A City of Sadness (1989)
