

    Time out of Mind (2014)

    A homeless man is going from shelter to shelter, trying to find a way to approach his estranged daughter. In a depressing and honest way,...

    Dredd (2012)

    In a dystopian future, where the police are judges, juries, and executioners, Judge Dredd and a rookie are sent to take down a violent...

    Dark Waters (2019)

    Unsubstantiated evidence against a giant chemical company is thoroughly examined by a corporate defence attorney who sees what everyone else is turning a blind...

    The Importance of Dystopia in Sci-fi / Horror

    Turning on the news, what takes over is a... disheartening presentiment about the future. Questionable governments, selfish, narrow-minded masses voting for these governments, sociological...

    Until the Edge of the World (2019)

    Not understanding why her father lies unconscious in a hospital, a little girl's vivid imagination places him on a journey to the moon. Daniel Bertram's...

    The Contribution of Heroines, and the Role of Feminism in the Horror Genre – Part 2

    Tonight, I'm releasing the second part of the interview with Michelle Satchwell. Michelle analyses Martyrs and its contribution to the horror genre, but she...

    The Contribution of Heroines, and the Role of Feminism in the Horror Genre – Part 1

    Tonight, I'm interviewing Michelle Satchwell. Michelle is returning to the show to talk about the role of women in horror films. Class, gender, and...

    Prisons: Depravity and Decadence in Horror / Sci-fi… and in Real Life

    Tonight, I'm interviewing Dr. Neni Panourgia. Dr. Panourgia is an affiliated faculty member of the Hellenic Studies program. She is an anthropologist, Associate Professor...

    The Whisperer in Darkness (2011)

    Alleged evidence of ancient creatures will make a professor travel to a remote village only to discover that the truth is a lot more...

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