"One of the most transformational experiences" of her life, and "the most liberating film experience" of her career, Teresa Palmer stated. If you have...
Brutal. Gory. Bloody. Savage. Relentless. Apostle... The Witch (2015) meets The Wicker Man - the 1973 one #justsaying.
Dan Stevens delivers an amazing performance, simultaneously...
Real-life couple writer/editor/director Mike Flanagan and writer/actress Kate Siegel beautifully collaborate for a second time in making Hush. An indie, low-budget, home invasion, one-location...
Underrated Sons of Anarchy actor Taylor Sheridan became the writer-director of Wind River, an American modern indie masterpiece. From the sheer will for survival...
The epitome of an indie, low-budget, single-location film! The absolute mind-f@!# that, through largely impromptu dialogue and genuine reactions, makes you question who you...
J.J Abrams strikes back! With a one-location, slow burn, claustrophobic, gripping mystery/thriller (occasionally horror) that will keep you on the edge of your seats....