

    First Reformed (2017)

    Tormented by his own past, a minister of a local congregation on the outskirts of New York counsels a young couple with deeply unsettling...

    Mandy (2018)

    Producer Elijah Wood sets up a meeting with director Panos Cosmatos and actor Nicolas Cage and they wonder: How do we pitch Mandy? They...

    Headshot (2016)

    Indonesian film school teaches action! Weaker than The Raid (2011) and The Raid 2 (2014), yet Headshot manages to impress with its realistic action. Still...

    Incident in a Ghostland (2018)

    A house invasion causes a mother and her two young girls an unspeakable physical and psychological horror. Have you ever heard of it? I am...

    Wonder (2017)

    Stephen Chbosky does his wonder once more - yes, pun intended. Following the mind-blowing The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012), he now pens...

    The Nun (2018)

    Rrrrriiiiiiiggggghhhhtttttt... At first, I couldn't tell if I was getting old or if the jump scares were getting old. But... what if it was...

    The Equalizer 2 (2018)

    There is a storm coming... Hurricane Denzel Washington - Pun intended . Based on the television series created by Michael Sloan and Richard Lindheim, and...

    The Vanishing of Sidney Hall (2017)

    A young, talented writer becomes successful immediately after his first publication and inexplicably disappears into thin air. I don't know how to begin or even...

    Snowtown (2011)

    A few years ago, my really good friend Ben and I sat down, ordered Chinese, and put Snowtown on. By the time food arrived,...

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