

    Terrifier (2016)

    After a night out on Halloween, two young women encounter Art the Clown, who will make their lives a living hell. Bad, but a necessary...

    A Dark Song (2016)

    A woman who wants to find closure goes down a very dark path with unpredictable consequences. You have never seen more elaborate and thorough preparation...

    Kotoko (2011)

    As her mental state deteriorates, a single mother loses custody of her child, escalating further her suffering and self-destruction. One of the most realistic cinematic...

    I’ll Take Your Dead (2018)

    A man who lives with his young daughter and specialises in disposing of bodies has to face a gang over unfinished business. Interesting concept, but...

    Monos (2019)

    A group of teenage guerillas who belong to a shadowy organisation hold a female doctor hostage, not knowing that heavy military forces are coming...

    Calibre (2018)

    A weekend of quality time turns into a living nightmare for two friends in a remote Scottish village. Low budget, high quality, excellent deliverance! Absolutely...

    VFW (2019)

    In a not-so-distant dystopian future, a group of veterans barricades themselves in a bar to save a young woman from a drug dealer and...

    Thoroughbreds (2017)

    Two diametrically opposite upper-class teenagers try to devise an intricate and sketchy plan. Two amazing actresses in a quirky and unpredictable thriller. The slow-burn and...

    It’s Kind of a Funny Story (2010)

    A clinically depressed teenager checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward, and... a kind of funny story unfolds. Based on Ned Vizzini's homonymous novel and...

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