

    Marriage Story (2019)

      A married couple with a little kid decides to break up, and both parties reveal their best and worst hidden sides of themselves. Even though...

    Men in Black International (2019)

      Men in Black, the secret government organisation with the cream of the crop agents and advanced technology from all over the known Universe, now...

    Wounds (2019)

      A world of obscurity and darkness gradually surrounds a bartender after finding a phone left at his bar. At first, everyone's merry. People 'necking' life...

    Black and Blue (2019)

      A rookie, black female police officer becomes the target of three corrupt cops after witnessing them murder a bunch of young drug dealers. It seems...

    Code 8 (2019)

    A power-enabled construction worker teams up with the wrong people to save his dying mother. Canada strikes back! Only three months after Freaks (2019), Code...

    Bad Santa 2 (2016)

    Having never left rock bottom, Willie follows his angry sidekick again and puts on the Santa suit once more, only, this time, to rob...

    6 Underground (2019)

    Six highly, uncommonly skilled men and women - each in their own way - have formed an anonymous team to make the world a...

    The Room (2019)

    A young couple moves into a house with many secrets and a room that... grants wishes. I've been told that in Los Angeles, everyone has...

    Official Secrets (2019)

    A British Intelligence whistleblower decides to leak information about an illegal NSA spy operation that would force the UN Security Council to authorise the...

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