

    Trick ‘r Treat (2007)

    Demons, witches, pranks going wrong, werewolves, serial killers and a virgin all happen in a small town's Halloween night. Jack O'Lantern's favourite comedy/horror. Writer/Director Michael...

    Indie, Low Budget, and Utterly Mind-Bending

    Intro/Intention Hollywood! The dominant player in the movie business. The place where billions are invested (or just spent ?) every year in a handful of...

    Adapting 300: Mise-en-scène and Visual Effects

    Logline: In 480 BC, King Leonidas and 300 Spartans marches to Thermopylae to prevent the Persians, the greatest empire the world had ever seen,...

    Found Footage: Chronicles of Horror, Realism, and Case Studies

    “Found Footage” can be and has already been applied to numerous genres throughout the years, sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much, and on occasion...

    City of God (2002)

    Through the eyes of a young, aspiring photographer, the "favelas" of Rio unfold stories of drugs, guns, kingpins, and gang wars where the innocent...

    Exam (2009)

    Eight chosen contenders competing for the same position are locked in a highly respected company's exam room for the final test, which is unlike...

    The Wrestler (2008)

    An ageing professional wrestler with an unsuitable part-time job is forced to quit wrestling, forget his past glory, and find a way to cope...

    RocknRolla (2008)

    A gang of lowlife crooks called the Wild Bunch, with the help of an accountant, steal money from a Russian developer that was meant...

    This is England ’83 / ’86 / ’88 / ’90

    "Combo: Men have laid down their lives for this. For this... and for what? So people can stick their fucking flag in the ground...

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    The Four Stairs (1951)

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