

    Dead End (2003)

    A family's Christmas Eve trip to the in-laws becomes a nightmare in the middle of an endless, eerie forest. Dead End is so bad that...

    Black Christmas (2006)

    On Christmas Eve, a group of sorority girls are getting murdered one by one by an escaped psychopath who used to live in their...

    Tsotsi (2005)

    When a young gangster commits a crime he never expected, he experiences emotions he never had before. Mise-en-scene and editing enhance the narrative, moving the...

    Friday the 13th – An Unlucky Day (?) and the Birth of an Instant Classic

    Tonight, Michelle Satchwell comes back once more with intriguing information regarding Friday the 13th, both as a day and as a film. Is it...

    The Importance of Dystopia in Sci-fi / Horror

    Turning on the news, what takes over is a... disheartening presentiment about the future. Questionable governments, selfish, narrow-minded masses voting for these governments, sociological...

    Mother (2009)

    After her son is jailed for a girl's brutal murder, a mother does everything in her power to prove his innocence. The mixed feelings begin...

    The Contribution of Heroines, and the Role of Feminism in the Horror Genre – Part 2

    Tonight, I'm releasing the second part of the interview with Michelle Satchwell. Michelle analyses Martyrs and its contribution to the horror genre, but she...

    The Contribution of Heroines, and the Role of Feminism in the Horror Genre – Part 1

    Tonight, I'm interviewing Michelle Satchwell. Michelle is returning to the show to talk about the role of women in horror films. Class, gender, and...

    Prisons: Depravity and Decadence in Horror / Sci-fi… and in Real Life

    Tonight, I'm interviewing Dr. Neni Panourgia. Dr. Panourgia is an affiliated faculty member of the Hellenic Studies program. She is an anthropologist, Associate Professor...

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