

    The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)

    An ambitious young man is put by the board of directors as president of a... convoluted company involved in a stock scam. 'It takes a...

    Event Horizon (1997)

    After going missing for seven years, the spaceship Event Horizon reappears, having returned from a darkness beyond human understanding. One of the best psychological sci-fi...

    Original vs Remake: Hollywood’s Need to Retell the Story (or the Lack Thereof)

    Think of a film from the distant or not-so-distant past that you would like to watch as a remake with different actors or upgraded...

    The Crow (1994)

    A man, after being brutally murdered, comes back to life to avenge his and his fiancée's death by killing the ones responsible one by...

    Sleepy Hollow (1999)

    An eccentric constable is sent to a village called Sleepy Hollow to investigate three mysterious murders, but he gets more than he bargained for...

    Found Footage: Chronicles of Horror, Realism, and Case Studies

    “Found Footage” can be and has already been applied to numerous genres throughout the years, sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much, and on occasion...

    Contact (1997)

    A scientist who has devoted her life to discovering extraterrestrial life forms has her breakthrough and uncovers a secret message. Carl Sagan:  “The astronomer of...

    Stargate (1994)

    The discovery of a mysterious device in Egypt will teleport a linguist and a Colonel with a military mission galaxies away to a world...

    In the Mouth of Madness (1994)

    A cynical insurance investigator is hired by a publishing company to find a disappeared, renounced horror writer while global psychosis starts plaguing his readers...

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