

    While You Were Sleeping (1995)

    After saving a man from a horrible accident, a hopeless romantic woman falls in love with his brother. Funny and romantic, and that's all you...

    The Sixth Sense (1999)

    A troubled child psychologist takes on a kid who is able to make contact with the dead. Still haunting, still dark, and still gripping. This...

    Dead Man Walking (1995)

    When a nun receives a letter of support from a convicted murderer on Death Row, she needs to find a way to comfort him...

    Friday the 13th – An Unlucky Day (?) and the Birth of an Instant Classic

    Tonight, Michelle Satchwell comes back once more with intriguing information regarding Friday the 13th, both as a day and as a film. Is it...

    The Importance of Dystopia in Sci-fi / Horror

    Turning on the news, what takes over is a... disheartening presentiment about the future. Questionable governments, selfish, narrow-minded masses voting for these governments, sociological...

    The Contribution of Heroines, and the Role of Feminism in the Horror Genre – Part 2

    Tonight, I'm releasing the second part of the interview with Michelle Satchwell. Michelle analyses Martyrs and its contribution to the horror genre, but she...

    The Contribution of Heroines, and the Role of Feminism in the Horror Genre – Part 1

    Tonight, I'm interviewing Michelle Satchwell. Michelle is returning to the show to talk about the role of women in horror films. Class, gender, and...

    Prisons: Depravity and Decadence in Horror / Sci-fi… and in Real Life

    Tonight, I'm interviewing Dr. Neni Panourgia. Dr. Panourgia is an affiliated faculty member of the Hellenic Studies program. She is an anthropologist, Associate Professor...

    Score Composition for Dark and Eerie Sequences

    Tonight, I'm interviewing Aris Lanaridis. Aris is a film & media composer, sound designer and music producer. Tonight, he is talking about how music...

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