

    Influential, Dissuasive, and Thought-Provoking Monologues

    Intro/Intention We live in troubled times. Society had always been in the crosshairs, and its fragility, every so often, showed more than others. Ever since...

    The Initiation (1984)

    A college student who suffers from a recurring nightmare and her sorority sisters decide to break into a mall one night while a serial...

    Possession (1981)

    At the peak of the Cold War, a man returns from a mission to reunite with his family only to find that their marriage...

    Epic Plot Holes in Iconic Films

    Introduction Hollywood... From micro-budget to blockbuster films, Hollywood is responsible for critically and financially acclaimed successes and unprecedentedly epic failures simultaneously. For better or for...

    The Qatsi Trilogy

    Introduction I found it hard to start writing about this. Therefore, I can only imagine how hard it would be to start filming it, editing...

    Death Ship (1980)

    A Nazi ghost ship rams a cruise ship, sinks it, and then comes back only to get the survivors on board and make them...

    Original vs Remake: Hollywood’s Need to Retell the Story (or the Lack Thereof)

    Think of a film from the distant or not-so-distant past that you would like to watch as a remake with different actors or upgraded...

    Found Footage: Chronicles of Horror, Realism, and Case Studies

    “Found Footage” can be and has already been applied to numerous genres throughout the years, sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much, and on occasion...

    The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)

    In times of war and reason, Baron Munchausen inspires with a story of a lifetime that bypasses reality and goes down the rabbit hole...

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    James Cameron

    The Four Stairs (1951)

    Bicycle Thieves (1948)
