

    National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989)

    The extended Griswold family gets together on Christmas Eve, and everything that can go wrong does. It used to be one of the funniest Christmas...

    One Magic Christmas (1985)

    A mother who lacks the Christmas spirit gets a visit from an angel who teaches her the meaning of this season. Seeing Mary Steenburgen in...

    Dead Poets Society (1989)

    A group of students from the country's most prestigious boarding school forms a secret poetry society after meeting their eccentric but inspiring teacher, Mr...

    The Psychology of Horror: Preparedness and Purpose

    Tonight, I'm interviewing Dr. Mathias Clasen. Mathias, among other things, is an associate professor at Aarhus University, teaches at the School of Communication and...

    Found Footage: The Beginning, the Escalation, and its Societal Impact

    Tonight, Erik Kristopher Myers (ekm) talks about the roots of the found footage subgenre, its evolution, its contribution to the cinema, and its effects...

    The Horror Inside Us: Leading Anxieties and False Certainties

    Tonight, Dr. Michael Lee is discussing the horror inside us and why and how one's inner certainties and anxieties can make the everyday person...

    Directors and Horror Films

    Ashley Scott Meyers is a writer, producer and director and owns the blog, where you can find practical tips and advice on how...

    Kids in Horror: Source of Evil vs Source of Resolution

    Michelle Satchwell is Head of the Social Sciences Department at a large school in Derbyshire, UK. She analyses kids' use in horror films and...

    Coming Soon…

    Cinehorrizon trailer

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