
    Asylums: Factual Mental Illness vs Artistically Deranged Projection

    Tonight, I’m interviewing Michelle Satchwell. After shedding some new light on why kids are portrayed in certain ways in horror films, Michelle is coming back to talk about asylums and their portrayal in favourite, or not so favourite, horrors. The interview takes an interesting turn as she points out that reality can be scarier than fiction as none of us is as free as we think we are. Regardless, the origins of asylums as the arguably scariest places a horror film can take place at are explained, and so is the believability behind their projection.

    Mental Health Act 1983 where people can be sectioned as “danger to self or others”.

    Marie Jahoda (1958) “Ideal Mental Health” including six criteria; autonomy, self-actualisation, positive attitude to self, resistance to stress, accurate perception of reality, and environmental mastery.

    Ethical guidelines originated from Nuremberg code (1947), later developed by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the British Psychological Society (BPS).

    R.D. Laing (1965) created a “safe heaven” for patients with Schizophrenia. This has been made into a film; Mad To Be Normal (2017). 

    Rosenhan (1973) carried out three experiments titled; ‘Insane in sane places’ of pseudo patients being diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

    Both Laing and Rosenhan were part of the 1970s anti-psychiatry movement.

    Thomas Szasz questions how mental health is defined and how it’s been ‘constructed’. In 1961, this was published as the “Myth of Mental Illness”. Then in 2011, released the “Myth of Mental Illness”, Revised 50 years later.

    Valentine Douglas (2016) The CIA as organised crime. This covers “Project MK Ultra”.

    Weindling (2016) looked at victims and survivors of Nazi human experiments.

    Ken Kesey author of One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest claims to have received LSD as part of CIA study as a student;

    The World Health Organisation (1977) said “no culture is free from Schizophrenia”.
    Shamanism and Schizophrenia similarities.

    Taijin Kyofusho (TKS) as a Japanese culture bound phobia.

    Individualist (independent) Western cultures versus Collectivist (interdependent) Eastern cultures can affect diagnoses and disorders. 

    Homophobia was seen as a mental health issue up until 1972 and DSM II edition (Diagnostic Statistical Manual reviewed by the APA). The depathologising of homosexuality;

    International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) was published in May 2019 and is used by the WHO in the UK and Europe. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM 5) published in May 2013 is used by the APA in America.

    1 in 4 adults with Mental Health and 1 in 10 young people according to NHS and mental health charities;

    1 in 8 young people in the UK with a mental health issue, found in research from MHCYP (Mental Health in Children and Young People) published by NHS in 2017.

    P.T Barnum of Greatest Showman fame would parade “oddities” one such case was that of Phineas Gage who had a metal rod through his frontal lobe and his personality changed.

    Trepanning refers to drilling holes in the skull to release demons.

    Extra sensory perception (ESP) usually conducts ‘bad science’ also known as ‘pseudo science’

    White Knight and Savior Complex;

    Why are we fascinated by women who kill;

    Parsons (Functionalist) suggested youth is a time for storm and stress. Eisenstadt (Functionalist) saw youth as a time to let off steam. 

    Rogers Client Centred Therapy uses unconditional positive regard; Uses positive psychology see

    BBC Mental a History of the Madhouse, available here;

    “Time to Talk” day in February and World Mental Health Awareness in October celebrate diversity and try to remove stigma. #HelloYellow campaign for young people to promote positive mental health.

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    1. Absolutely fantastic. That would of made a really interesting TV series over many weeks. It has left me asking questions about myself and my own sanity. Thank you both so much. It could not of been better. Xxx

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