
    Boy Erased (2018)

    A boy is sent by his parents to a church-supportive gay conversion program after revealing to them that he has “impure” thoughts about men.

    Joel Edgerton proves time and time again that he was born and destined to be both in front and behind the camera. A fine addition and a major representative of the Australian film school.

    The film: Garrard Conley’s heartfelt memoir is masterfully adapted for the big screen with nothing but emotion, sensitivity, honesty, and courage. Nicole Kidman, Russel Crowe, and Lucas Hedges give amazing performances, become mothers, fathers and sons, and open their house doors for you to experience the suffering of their family’s drama. Non-linearly narrated, Boy Erased seems to be slightly holding its punches but delivers a clear message and puts the situation into perspective, establishing the church’s backward, medieval, and shameless position in the 21st century.

    Life: Boy Erased is a drama that countless families across the globe face every year, and, in their despair, they rely on a higher power to give them an answer to a natural, conscious choice that poses no question. The diversity of homosexual personalities, idiosyncrasies, quirks, and foibles extends as far as the heterosexuals’, the “normal”. And to this very day, men of science try to contextualise the “gay gene” – good luck isolating it from the “straight” one! Certain men of the cloth and followers of an organisation whose knowledge of the world is summarised in a fictitious book that is divorced from reality want to cast out the “demon of homosexuality”.

    Do we believe in God, or do we believe in what others interpret of what God is? I remember being taught Jesus, saying, “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone”. But for the life of me, I can’t remember being taught about Him condemning homosexuality. We are soon entering the third decade of the 21st century, and by now, the State and the Pharisaic Church should have been distinctively separated.

    God is not to be blamed here. He Himself (is it ‘him’?) is the victim and sad creator of our decadent species. But there is still faith that the minorities in this world who strive to make a difference, regardless of their age, gender, IQ, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, and religious beliefs, will one day grow more… and more… and more… and will dethrone archaic establishments, status quos, and organisations that have been ruling since the dawn of time. And “issues” such as homosexuality will stop being treated as “witch hunt”, will become accepted and, hopefully, soon after, will be taken as a matter of course where no one could care less.

    And to quote the late Curt Cobain: “I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes”.

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    Solidarity for all the innocent lives who suffer the atrocities of war!

    Stay safe!


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